Fun, Fun, Fun

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Life is not a colorful fast-forwarded montage set to empowering music. Like the kind you see on the Carnival cruise ship commercials that glorify golf as a high impact whirlwind activity full of fun and laugher. In the commercial, first we see couples laughing and smiling, then a group of gal pals skipping into the ocean, and finally, it’s a grand finale of lavish dinners, clinking glasses, arms waving in unabashed hallelujahs, whimsically-large gold coins spilling out of shiny slot machines.

When we’re young we’re allowed to dream as big as we can. We’re encouraged to look towards “someday,” to lay daydreaming on our backs in the warm grass of parents' front yards, to dress up like our favorite Disney princesses and action heroes. The reality is, only a top chosen few become the household names, the ones on the best seller’s list, the talk show hosts, the movie stars. It’s a long way to the top and along that way, many spin on their defeated heels in search of stability. We give up to feel safe again, we know the odds and they aren’t in our favor.

In fact, much of what we encounter in life tells us that we won’t make it, can’t do it. When we reach a certain age, and this magic number is different for everyone in light of finances, tragedies and opportunities, we have to grow up. And growing up means being responsible, serious, mature. Yuck.

When did fun become the structured escape of a hundred-things-to-do-a-second Carnival cruise and not a requisite for living normal life? Is it because at some point we had to stop believing? Is it because we learned to be practical, to think about our finances, putting a down payment on a house someday? When did we start worrying about getting married and having kids before we’re “too old?” Too soon, I think.