Playing Dress-Up

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I thought all my life I wanted to act, but it turned out that I just wanted to be an actress. does this make sense? After doing a couple very, very (did I say very?) independent projects, I realized I hated acting. I hated the waiting around, the perusing of the craft services cart (i.e. consuming extra calories via a bag of chee-tos I certainly didn't need). The make-up touch-ups. Waiting for the lighting, the sound, the director to get off his cell phone. I remember looking at the covers of US Weekly and People and I realized I didn’t want to do their jobs, I wanted their stuff. I wanted the life, the freebies, the special treatment. The fame. Oh, yes. I've said it. Am I wrong?

When we’re kids, we are always asked what we want to be when we grow up. The sky is the limit, if there is one. Astronaut, doctor, pop star, whatever. As we grow-up in America, it seems that instead of actually majoring in neuroscience in college or going to med school for 7 plus years, or taking singing lessons, we just want to put on the costume, whether it’s a space suit, a lab coat, or leather pants.

Does my generation just want to play dress up?