Andy Samberg is Kinda Hot...Right?

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First came "Dick in a Box." Now the would-be-completely-unattractive (except that he is funny, confident, and talented, and therefore--dare I say--sexy) Andy Samberg has created a new digital short just in time for the pre-holiday crunch time, during which many of us are perusing the Internet with fleeting will to attend to the growing piles of work that land on our desks and in our inboxes. If you haven't already, please enjoy the video (I would give you the title, but, like in DIAB, the reveal of the title is one of the best parts):

***If the video doesn't work, click here.

I think DIAB will prevail in terms of classic-ness than this digital short in that it was more creative in theory and highly effective in parody of the early 90s music videos it referenced. This short is more shocking and outlandish, which puts it in a different league. It plays on male insecurity in an over-the-top way without alienating men, while also giving women who have experience with premature men a good laugh as well. And, seriously, I think Andy Samberg (when he isn't making awkward faces) is kinda hot in this one.

Which digital short do you like better: DIAB or JIMP?


Carrie said...

I love that you're shouting this video from the rooftops! It deserves to be revered and watched for generations to come. And to answer your question: yes, Andy is hot, and for all the reasons you mentioned + he looks great in aviators and scarves from Urban Outfitters. ...just don't go on a date with him to a horror film.

Natasha said...

hahahaha good tip.

yeah, he manages to pull off early 90s and come off sexy--quite impressive.

i LOVE this video. so completely embarrassing and ridiculous :) thank you for sending it to me in the first place!