O.M.F.G. Levi Johnston Needs to Grow a Pair

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Well, here's yet another GMA gem, this time of Levi Johnston, the poor kid stupid enough to get Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol pregnant.

Typically, anything having to do with Sarah Palin floats past my consciousness along with other topics that shouldn't be given any attention whatsoever, like hate crimes against Neo-Nazis or endangered pigeons, but I could not ignore this one. Levi, apparently, has decided he is not ready to be a dad. Hmm. That's funny, considering he ALREADY HAS A KID, WHO WAS BORN IN DECEMBER. Anyway, this interview isn't particularly revealing, mostly because Levi seems to have donated most of his brain cells to hockey, but it really pissed me off and I felt compelled to share.

This is just another way young women get completely f-ed over. More so, how we can't avoid being f-ed over simply because of our biology. Bristol, while clearly responsible for sleeping with Levi and having their baby, is now a single mom and can't do anything about it. She is unable to leave her baby, as the child depends on her for nourishment. Levi, on the other hand, was found by GMA on his way to the gym, just living his life. Both teens made some huge mistakes (forgetting a condom would be number one, I think), yet Bristol is the one who's paying for them. No one said life was fair, but I feel for the girl. Even if she is Palin's daughter.

Oh, and I like how Levi says he wants to marry Bristol "some day." What does that mean? When he feels old enough to be a dad? When the kid's out of diapers and is easier to take care of? Hopefully Bristol has the good sense to tell that boy to get a life.