Good Morning

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I had a fleeting memory the other day of someone, I presumed an ex-boyfriend, who once told me that I look cute in the morning. (For the record, I do not look cute in the morning. It takes a good hour for my eyes to fully open, I usually have pillow indentations etching my cheeks, and don't even get me started on the typically-ridiculous state of my hair.)

Anyway, the point of me writing about this is because I could not for the life of me remember which guy had said this to me (a comment which stuck because it made me feel far less self-conscious about looking like an unlovable goon when I wake up). And then I realized, it wasn't a guy at all.

It was my roommate, Meagan.

I know I said I had a point here, and truth be told, I am not quite sure what it is exactly--if there is anything significant in thinking such a memorable compliment came from a guy I was sleeping with when it was in fact bestowed by my female partner-in-crime. I guess, for someone like me who runs on male attention, there is something valuable and different in relishing positive reinforcement from Meagan. Especially because now when I wake up in the morning, I do feel a little cuter, thanks to her.