AdSense Knows Me Too Well...

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So I noticed that since this blog passed the 10,000 hits mark (baller!) my ads have gotten way better. Instead of weird legal services and music downloading companies I've never heard of, I finally have legit brands on here. Please feel free to click away so I can make some money. (So far I've gotten $4, which is not so baller.)

Today, I realized that AdSense, the program that puts the ads on here, must somehow be spying on me (or, more plausibly, reading this blog) because I have a Jose Cuervo tequila ad on here now. Which either means I have become a total lush or I write often about being one. Awesome.


Unknown said...

AdSense also has an add up right now for The Church of Scientology (I debated whether or not to even capitalize the name). I did, however, click it several times.

Natasha said...

niiiice. I am SUCH a scientologist it isn't even funny.