So Long! Farewell!

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Well, avid fans (also known as the one or two people who still check this blog from time to time), I have some news. After regurgitating details of my "love" life for the past year, many of which I probably should have just kept to myself, I somehow accomplished my life goal. The telling of these mundane details likely has little to do with achieving said goal, but I like to believe that life is a series of accidents that somehow add up to the current moment, so why not give this collection of ramblings its due?

So, the news: I got a job. Like a real one. The kind I will be going into an office for, where I shall sit at a desk from 9-6. I'm not sure how I did it exactly, but I managed to never get a real job (as in full-time working hours) for the three years and eight months I've been out of college (shit, I'm old) and yet I somehow landed not just any job, but THE job. My dream job. (Also, I annoyingly have a super-hot *and* nice *and* intelligent boyfriend. And I can finally afford my own one-bedroom apartment in Santa Monica. Yeah. How's your 2010 going so far, huh? Don't worry, I'm sure something bad will happen to me soon.)

Anyway. Come Monday, I will officially be the Relationships Editor of a new women's lifestyle website (the name of which I cannot tell you because I signed a don't-tell-anyone-yet contract).

In light of this fucking awesome life-development I've decided that my time on here has come to an end so I can fully devote the genius that is my relationship-obsessed mind to this new position, which will pay me much much more than this blog every could. (Especially since Google AdSense canceled my account long ago ... right when I was about to receive my first check. Hmm ...)

Thank you to everyone who read this site--I plan to send out mass emails/Facebook status-thingys when the e-zine I'll be working for goes live and I hope that you'll find me there.

Love you all to pieces. All two of you, that is.