A Message from Bill

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I got the following email from Bill Clinton this afternoon:

"Dear Natasha,

During the campaign, Hillary and I didn't have the chance to eat together much because we were usually on the trail in different states. Now that the campaign's over, I'm glad we can share more meals again.

Of all the people I've had the privilege to break bread with, the person I most enjoy is still Hillary.

Now you have a chance to have dinner with her...."

I must first say that I voted for Hillary and was devastated (I mean, get teary-eyed while listening to her speak on NPR) devastated. But, this email from Bill makes me angry. First of all, the whole part about the not getting to sit down for dinner is complete B.S. Come on! The only reason that marriage has lasted is because it has to in order for them to both have political careers.

Not only is Bill's email just obviously an overstatement to make their marriage look healthy and "American." What a terrible example Hillary is to young women. Sure, she is successful and passionate, but she isn't willing to chew her own leg off (free herself) to be in a relationship where she is valued and respected. Of course, I know nothing about the Clintons' marriage so this is all speculation, but I imagine there are at least some lingering feelings after the Lewinsky scandal, if not the antics Bill has been up to their whole marriage.

Hillary makes it okay for us to be in sham marriages. We can use a man's name, or money, for our own gain. Marry up, as the phrase goes. And sure, I suppose there is nothing wrong with using marriage, and a man, to get ahead. But to me, it seems like it would suck the life, the passion, and the self-respect right out of you.

When I voted for Hillary in the primaries, I was filled with pride, excitement, and joy. Finally! I was a little choked up about the whole thing, to be honest. Now, I am a bit disillusioned by her. No wonder she couldn't get the youth vote. Young women like me couldn't possibly think she is intelligent. Not while her husband is out screwing anything that moves, as she smiles on acting as if we aren't in on her and Bill's little secret.

So, thanks Bill. But I don't want to have dinner with Hillary. Wouldn't want to take you guys away from each other.


Anonymous said...

Wait! Bill invited you to dinner too??? Great now I don't feel special at all.

Natasha said...

yeah...sorry. shoot--maybe we should have donated and gone together!