Showcasing Men's Shortcomings

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I never read He's Just Not That Into You (per the previous post, this may have been the stupidest book ever published because if you even think you may need to read it, you already have your answer--he's not into you. Move on!), but the new trailer for the movie came out and it looks amazing. I was formerly against advice books being made into feature films, since I think most advice books are stupid crap that women buy so we can have what we already know reaffirmed (HJNTIY is a perfect case in point) but given some of the experiences my girlfriends and I have gone through recently, I don't think this movie could have come at a more opportune time. In fact, based on the trailer, this movie should be required viewing for all men 18-30. Heck, age 10-30, why not start 'em young?

Here are some of the issues my gals and I have been griping about (perhaps you're familiar with them):

1) Men need to put their big boy panties on (this is M's phrase but I love it and am now stealing it). They need to say what they mean and mean what they say. You're not into someone anymore? Tell her! You want to be in a relationship? Tell her! You love her? You get the point.

2) To follow that, if you're not into a girl, don't be so full of yourself to think that you're going to break her poor little heart if you're just honest. We're not that fragile. We'll find someone else. Or maybe we don't want a relationship anyway. But don't give the tired "I'll call you" when you aren't planning to. So childish. (Again, big boy panties. Get a pair. Put 'em on.)

3) If you make tentative plans with someone and then that day comes, call the girl you made plans with. Some men think that if they just lay low, we'll forget we even had tentative plans. Just be honest whether you call to say you aren't interested, that you made other plans by accident, or you are afraid of getting involved. We can take it.

4) Don't be awkward. And don't make it worse by trying not to be awkward. If you have an issue, spit it out. Pick up the phone. Write an email. Don't leave us dangling.

I thought once college (and high school for that matter) were over, dealing with men would be easy. We'd all be mature and able to talk about things. We'd get over stuff quicker (or at least be able to work it out to expedite the process). We'd do less stupid things (or at least be better equipped to handle our stupidity). But, sadly, the older I get, the more immature men seem. All around me, women gripe about the game playing, the withholding of real feelings, the stringing along. We're sick of it. Grow up.

Click here for the trailer:
He's Just Not That Into You trailer in HD