The Verdict

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About three things I am certain:

1) Catherine Hardwicke is an AWFUL director.

2) Melissa Rosenberg can't write a screenplay.

3) Despite the first two, I don't know if I can be productive or socially competent until I see Twilight again.

Even if I outright hated the film, being at the midnight show last night was an experience in itself. Before the movie teenage girls screamed, chanted, and counted down the minutes until the show began. They clapped and squealed when Jacob and Edward appeared on screen. They shrieked with laughter over parts of the movie that were unintentionally funny (bad writing and so-so acting produced disastrous results).

But, here's the deal--despite the fact that Robert Pattinson looked like he was going to have an aneurysm (or worse) every time he was supposed to "smell" Bella and completely overacted his part, and that so much silly stuff was added to the story when the writer could have just used better parts from the book that were cut, and even though the chick from Thirteen was the WORST person ever to play Rosalie Hale, the movie was satisfying in many ways. First, Robert Pattinson is hot. Second, the actors playing the kids at Forks High were hilarious. The guy playing Jacob was adorable (even if he did just have one way of saying his lines). Kristen Stewart was the perfect choice for Bella. And the guy who played Volcheck on The O.C (who I will forever call Volcheck) did an amazing job as the villain (he was probably the best actor in the whole thing, actually).

All in all, Twilight is super cheesy and poorly executed, but I am happy that there is a movie at all. What do you expect for $30 million, anyway? In fact, I may just need to blow off my work today to catch a solo matiné know, just to be sure it was only so-so.


willie said...

I have to say I totally agree with you though there's no chance i would subject myself to seeing it again. This is really funny and well structured though I have to mention that you left out the downright awful special effects and evident constipation acting technique that Pattinson employed by it's true gastrointestinal name. What I'd love to know now is what all those cheer-leading, awkward screaming tweens thought of it? and if they can ever truly be objective...

Carrie said...

Somewhat off topic, one of my favorite parts of a midnight showing is the inevitable sighting of those who dress up as characters (or speak Elivsh). Any good dresser uppers?

FYI, when I went to see "Quantum of Solace," on Wednesday 1.5 weeks after the premiere, people still showed up in tuxes! My favorite was a waify Asian guy dressed in a gold sequined dress with a bouffant blond wig. I tried to take a pic for you but didn't want to be too conspicuous...

Natasha said...

oh i'm totally going to see a matinée monday. whenever I am with other people, my perception of a movie is based more on the experience than on the actual film...

carrie--no crazy costumes sadly! lots of screaming though, so I guess that makes up for it? I LOVE how guys wore tuxes to James Bond! and the bedazzled guy! awesome!