Today's Confessions

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I just felt awkward today. Not sure why. Everything I did was either completely self-entertaining, geeky, or slothful. First, I decided to skip yoga this morning because it was raining and I figured it would be best to stay in bed until 1 p.m. or so working. When I say working, I of course mean working and writing emails/checking facebook/etc.

Progress was made on one front. I recorded myself reading my piece for the MPW reading on Friday using my webcam (such a nerd, I knowwwww....). Not gonna lie, I think I did a pretty good job. At least I can entertain myself, right? Shouldn't that be enough?

To make up for my morning laziness I went to the gym around three to "run." This means I walked quickly for about 25 minutes and ran for 2.5 minutes two times somewhere in there. I always feel like a loser when the girl next to me had been running since before I got to the treadmill and then continues to sprint even after I'm done, but I just chalk up her behavior to eating disorder or convince myself she must be a marathon runner because, man, I am tired. (I'm now eating chips and huge bowl of guacamole to reward myself for such exertion.)

While at the gym, though, my day continued in the same awkward fashion. When MSNBC's coverage of the Iraqi journalist throwing a shoe at President Bush came on, I laughed a little under my breath. Of course, they played the clip repeatedly for the next 15 minutes--showing different angles, slow-mo--and I cracked up even harder, having to grip the sides of the treadmill for balance. Something tells me that even though no one really likes Bush, I shouldn't have been laughing at someone throwing a shoe at him. But, at least it's not just me. The secret service guy didn't even get to Bush until the dude threw the second shoe. That's what Janet Fitch might call a "telling detail."

To focus on something other than Bush's face when he awkwardly dodged the first shoe, I turned my attention back to my iPod, which had been thus far playing a selection of Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Whitney Houston and Katy Perry (It's ok to be jealous, I know my taste in music is unparalleled). I decided to put on the Jock Jams Mega Mix, committing yet another social blunder for the day. That shit is super awkward.

But, really, embarrassing as it is, how great is that song? In about three minutes, you get the "Let's get ready to rumble" guy, every song played over the loudspeakers at Lakers games, "YMCA," "Everybody Dance Now," "I Like to Move It Move It" and more. Further proof that 1997 was a very good year.

Anyway, now I'm off to the Dolce & Gabanna store opening tonight, so it is time to exfoliate, moisturize, primp, and otherwise pull together some semblance of sexiness within the next three hours. As Jenn and I reasoned earlier, I need a new Facebook pic.


Carrie said...

Ok, this blog post made me chuckle 3+ times, which means my cube-mate asked me what was so funny and I had to send her the post to read.

I'm not sure it's as funny to others who don't do the exact same thing. The part about the girl on the treadmill who's been running faster for longer is totally how I feel every time I go to the gym. I did 8 min abs and 8 min stretch routine lat night and I felt accomplished...after watching the Biggest Loser Season Finale while eating Christmas cookies....riiiiiight.

Don't worry about feeling awkward - I think I live in a state of denying my constant awkwardness. Quirky is cute, right?

(by the way, how awkward is spelling awkward?)

Natasha said...

awkward is super awkward. and I spell it wrong 90% of the time, which is, you guessed it, even more awkward!

ooh I missed Biggest Loser, but saw Michelle won! I loved her! I wanted Coleen to win at first but then Michelle became my fave! And the only way to truly enjoy BL is while eating, I've found, so xmas cookies was a good choice!