Still Feministing

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In college, I joined an amazing feminist group called VDAY USC, which is part of a global organization started by the incomparable, goddess-like Eve Ensler, who wrote The Vagina Monologues. I became a crazy women's libber pretty much instantly when I became a Vagina Warrior, as we liked to call ourselves. Not to brag, but I yelled at members of the Republican Youth Majority, as well as the freaky Jesus guys touting big signs through campus proclaiming we were all going to burn in Hell's fire, wore a shirt that said, "Eat Out More Often, and broadcasted the word "vagina" in the middle of USC trying to sell tickets for our performances of the monologues.

I felt extremely cool and important, like I was doing something that mattered. And while screaming the word "vagina" probably wasn't going to change the world, I believed the work I, and my fellow warriors, did during those years was very important in raising awareness about violence against women, even just in the immediate campus community. (On that note, I would just like to say, to whoever reads this thing, but more to my Vagina Warriors, the experiences I had with VDAY were by far the most enriching of my USC career. I think about you, very fondly, very often.)

Anyway, to stop reminiscing and get to my point, because I will never shed that part of me who spoke my mind about women's issues to whoever would listen (and, let's be honest, coerced those who wouldn't), I want to bring attention to the current situation in Afghanistan. Basically, a law was passed that requires women to have sex with their husbands at least every four days, unless they have some kind of medical issue that would prevent them from doing so, which condones, and in fact encourages, marital rape. This is exactly the type of legislation that provoked Eve Ensler to write The Vagina Monologues (and after, The Good Body) and to turn her desire to end violence against women into a global organization.

And not only did the law pass, but the women protesting its passage are being pelted with rocks and disrespected with slurs by both men and women. The whole situation is disgusting on so many levels. I urge you all to read this story about the situation and to log onto VDAY's website to learn more about what you can do to make the world a safer, healthier place for women to grow and thrive.

If anything, this story is a reminder to me that while I may not be a practicing Vagina Warrior, I need to actively participate in the fight to end this type of heinous disrespect, violence, and disregard towards women. The fight is far from over.


AshGrash said...

It's so important to get the word out. Thanks for writing this post!