Cocky Writer Talking Smack

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All writers know that writing sucks. Writing is putting your most personal thoughts down on paper for a bunch of strangers (you hope), as well as everyone in your life who knows you well, to read. Scary stuff. But maybe that's why we do it. Ponder this.

The process of writing also sucks. You sit there for hours in a coffee shop, maybe changing two words, two letters even, on each page. Then you go again and read over your draft and change them back. Or cut whole sections completely. Or move everything around so much to the point where you have no idea what the heck you just did and what your book (and is it even a book, anyway?) is about anymore.

But instead of bitching about all of this, I have a new approach. Guess what, suckers? I freakin rock. In fact, after starting with between 50 and 80 pages just four weeks ago of this new book/thesis/thing, I now have 152. And I will get it to 300 by the time it is due in eight weeks. And it will be freakin good.

You know what, I'm done calling it a book/thesis/thing. Let's just call it what it is. A book. As seen on book store shelves in the near future, bitches.

Because, at this point, I love this book so much that I want to marry it on Facebook. I love it so much that I just want to finish it and I could care less if it gets published. Okay, that's sort of a lie because I also want to be able to say haha to some people by being successful, but, one thing at a time. Get the book written. Revenge, sweet, sweet revenge, comes next.

What prompted this change in attitude, you might ask? For one, I have eaten coffee, a rice-krispie treat, a piece of blueberry crumble cake, some yogurt, and some chips today. So I'm a bit loopy.

But, there is some reason to this new stance. I used to hate it in college when everyone who was working super hard (ok, me), moped around all the time complaining about how much work they had. As if to make the slackers feel better for not doing their work. Oh, doesn't this totally suck: I went to the library all night and wrote my paper and I'm going to get an A, let's all feel bad for me and how smart I am. Lame.

So, I say, screw that attitude. I'm going to brag. I wrote for over eight hours today. In two different coffee shops. Boo-yah. And you know what I'm doing tomorrow? Gonna write some more.

I don't see the point in complaining about work I'm inflicting upon myself or trying to make it seem like I don't think what I am doing totally rocks. I get to sit here and go cross-eyed in front of my laptop doing what I love. Writing. About myself. And I'm just going to own it.

As for the rest of you, I have a challenge: Do better. I dare you.


Petunia Press Books said...

Go, Natasha! I didn't write for 8 hours today, but I think I had a breakthrough in my introduction. My hardest challenge, ironically, is to just say what I actually mean to say. Why is that so hard? But it is. Alas, we toil on. I love your attitude, and I'm also adopting it. Blurt it out, babe!

Meagan said...

You are the shit, you rule and you're an awesome writer. More than that you are one of the hardest working writers I know, if anyone's going to make it it's you. You've inspired me to do better, and I say why not brag about it. Own that shit! If everyone could own up to their shit, whether or not they are writing lets just say, then maybe everyone would be as driven as you. Basically, what I am saying is take responsibility for your own life, you're the one living it, and if you're doing the work it takes to rule the world then why not scream it from the top of the highest peak. And if you're not doing the work it takes, then shut the hell up, it's no ones fault but your own.

Natasha said...

i love you guys.

thanks for supporting my narcissism.

of course, today, I feel like my book is shit. but that is all part of the fun, right!? right????? *sigh*

joy! i want to read the new intro. I have the same problem (I'm sure we all do) with saying what I want to say. When I write, I hear Janet Fitch's voice in my head: "what is it? what is it REALLY?" It helps a lot!)

and M, what can I're the meaning in my life. you're the inspiration. you make me wanna jump out of my pan, go to the left, to the left all night long, be cooler than a polar bear's toenails, and make love in this club. yep. because that's just how we roll, bitches.

Jules said...

You know who are worse then those that complain about work? Those that claim they did no work to get their success. Is this supposed to make me think you are just so much better, talented, smarter than everyone else that you don't actually need to work hard? If so, you're missing out on half the process, half the fun and all the satisfaction. Natasha: when your book is done you're going to feel better than a night of lovin' with a tan-chested man!!

Natasha said...

dude, jules, you're tellin' me. faking orgasms 60 percent of the time kinda blows. (oh no she did-int!)