The Intelligence Curse

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Speaking of things I have been noticing, I've discovered (along with my amazing roommate Ms. Meagan McCrary), this: the smarter the girl, the higher chance she will stay single.

Smart girls can spot red flags, even smarter ones know to walk away when they see them. (I am still working on this.) Smart girls know every guy they date is replaceable. It is their (our) curse.

Girls who are in relationships because they feel like they should be, because they are too comfortable, because they are afraid of change, or because they just want to get married--well, we can call them stupid girls, sorry, but it's true. Of course they're going to stay with a guy because they've already put so much time in, of course they're going to put up with bullshit, even when they sometimes know they shouldn't--they aren't smart enough to know better.

And I envy them. As Meagan said last week, in talking about a recent guy situation, "I wish I was the stupid slut you treat me like." Wouldn't life just be so much easier that way?


Maggie said...

I used to think that I was too picky. Like, MAYBE I should have given that guy ANOTHER chance. But you're right....I'm just really smart.

Natasha said...

Yeah, and because I only realized this once I became single, I wonder if that makes me look either narcissistic and/or lame. (You know, like those girls who are only saying how smart they are because they are newly single and trying to justify feeling lonely and suicidal?) Though, I seriously don't feel that way. I feel SMART dammit!

And no, don't give that guy another chance. I would rather be single til I am dead than end up with the douchebag I gave another chance to. (Not that you date douchebags...just projecting here.)

Maggie said...

I had my one of my roomies read this when she got home and she totally agreed. She concluded that life might be easier (regarding dating) if you were just would just date people to date people because you were bored, etc.

"Ignorance is Bliss."

Maggie said...
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Maggie said...

Ok, she didn't mean stupid. I guess she meant oblivious to red flags, or someone who dates just to date.

Natasha said...

yeah i think a lot of girls think that they won't find any better so they just put up with stuff. or they don't realize the stuff they put up with is stuff they shouldn't...