31 in 31

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I'm making myself a proposition. Which I worry will come off as slutty, but, hey, life is short, right? And I'm working hard on this not-caring-what-other-people-think-of-me thing, so here it goes:

By July 31st, I will kiss 31 different guys. Ew. I know. Writing that actually makes me feel super dirty and gross, so I don't know if this will actually happen. But now that I am rounding the corner of my two-months single mark (July 5th--just 11 short days away) I feel like I need to be taking good advantage of my situation.

When I was with my boyfriend (the four-year relationship, not the more recent disaster), as much as I loved him (and I did, immensely), a little part of me mourned how I would miss out on that notorious single-girl lifestyle. Now that I am experiencing said lifestyle it's not as whirlwind crazy as I'd thought (though I am having insane amounts of fun going out with the girls). I really want to take advantage of it, while I can.

The thing is, I'm just not a slut. I enjoy pining. I enjoy infatuation. I enjoy love. I enjoy the whole partnership thing. But my God I need a break. If I've learned anything since I've been officially without boyfriend/whatever-he-was, it's that I need to take a minute here to get my own stuff together before adding some dude in the mix. Besides, I don't want just any dude anyway. And I realize that finding a quality man (as opposed to boys masquerading as men) is probably going to take a while. I've learned to be much, much pickier.

Thus this whole 31 in 31 concept. Really, it serves as a challenge in detachment. I tried it at the bar Saturday night, just grabbed a guy by the side of his head and smacked my lips on his. He proceeded to follow me around the whole night. Which was annoying. No pining there--so far so good.

So what do ya'll think? Am I a huge whore for even considering this?


Carrie said...

Don't think you're crazy at all! However, I do think self-imposed and somewhat arbitrary deadlines/numbers maybe be more hassle than they're worth. Maybe go with a more open-ended goal of "let's see how many before July 31st" may make you feeling a little more relaxed and a little less fixated on the number game. That's just my two cents ;-)

Natasha said...

Good call.

I made it to four and I think the novelty is lost for me. But it was a good idea :)