McCain Off to the Landfill

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I came back from yoga this morning to find my neighbors' obnoxious McCain lawn sign stuffed not-so-subtly into one of their trashcans. It was quite nice after eight years of a completely incompetent president who I didn't vote for to see McCain put in his place. Not that I have anything against the man personally--but when he chose Sarah Palin, thinking women were stupid enough to vote for anyone with a vagina, he lost me. I mean, I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. Unless maybe he picked Hillary for his running mate.

Anyway, for all of you excited as I am that we finally have a president who truly cares about us and our country, enjoy the photo. I hope you can revel in the fact that this time, our guy is in the White House. I'm going to have a view of this site for the next 12 or so hours until the trash people come and the sign is gone for good.

Now if only Palin would go away that easily...