Call Me Crazy...

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We've all got our quirks. But sometimes I get the feeling that I am not like most girls. Or at least the version we're all fed in movies, TV shows, etc. I'm talking about that jealous, crazybitch type girlfriend, who tends to make a guy's existence a living hell, i.e. all about her. Or maybe I'm just realistic and have really low expectations of men.

But, I was thinking about dating and boyfriends and stuff girls get all mad about for no reason today. Sometimes I think guys are used to dating girls who think that relationships equal enslavement, or, worse, codependency. Like they expect us all to be crazy. So I am clearing up any misconceptions. I am not one of those girls. So, please enjoy the following normal-girl qualities I possess, which I will direct at the collective male readers of this blog:

1. I do not care if you make plans with your friends and don't invite me. Do I need to hear about the chicks they are banging? Pretend I'm interested while you guys talk about the Lakers? Spare me. Plus, bringing your girlfriend when you're meeting the guys for drinks makes you both a douchebag and a pussy. I want no part in that.

2. It's totally more than okay if you go out with the guys and then come over to my place late at night afterward. I don't need to hang out with your friends. Or get all dressed up and go out. The only part about going out that I really like anyway is getting in bed, with you, at the end of it.

3. I do not care if you go to dinner with your female friends. I get that they are you friends. That is why you are dating me and not them. (Clearly, if you spend more time with your female friends than me, that's a problem. But come on, I'm not that insecure.)

4. It's okay if you want to chill at home by yourself. I like doing this too. I have a life. I appreciate that you have one too.

5. I don't expect to talk on the phone every night. (Though, in contrast, it would be nice to sleep over every night if we're doing more than just sleeping, if you catch my drift.)

Really, the only thing I need to feel happy and secure in a relationship is for the guy I'm with to tell me, even just once in a while, that he's happy, that he likes spending time with me, and that I'm amazing. I assume he already thinks these things if we're in a relationship, but sometimes a gal's gotta be reminded. I don't think that's too much to ask.


A. N. Fizzle said...

Write a book to teach women of your ways... for the love of God PLEASE!?